Our Mission
To intentionally share Christ's love and salvation as God directs.

Our Vision
To become a congregation whose core values resonate throughout our church family in all we do; and who allows these values to guide and direct us to becoming more like Christ. We are committed to fulfilling the two great commandments given by Christ our Lord: As Jesus said, "‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” (Matthew 22:37); and:“And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands.” (2 John 6). We believe God is faithful to lead us in all areas of our spiritual life. Therefore, we are committed to being a body which is obedient to the scriptures as God has given. Through our discipleship, faithful attendance in worship, and trusting God’s provisions, we will become a Body of Christ which is pleasing to our Lord.
What We Believe
At First Church DeLand we believe that there are 6 principles which intentionally make a healthy and spiritually mature church, they are:
Disciple Making
We consider our congregation to be a family. Families consist of all persons, united through a connected relationship, and we are connected through our common love for our Lord. Our goal is that every person who becomes a part of our family will find their connection, and no one will ever feel alone in the midst of many. Our small groups, senior activities and youth fellowship are some of the ministries that provide opportunities to belong.
We believe in “The Great Commission”, and our congregation commits to becoming disciple-makers. Our goal is for all persons who are a part of our family to be a disciple-maker “in action”, growing and learning to be like Christ. We have disciple-maker training, Bible study groups, Sunday School for all ages, and weekly Wednesday night meetings for study and fellowship to help us all become disciple makers in our own ways.
A people of God's primary source of power and strength comes from a commitment to prayer. We believe nothing can be accomplished until God’s people have spent time in prayer seeking His will and guidance. We endeavor to guide people to discover the power that lies in direct communication with our Lord. Intercessory prayer meetings are held every Wednesday, and an e-mail prayer chain prays over concerns in the congregation, community and world every week.
As a church, we strive to reach out to others wherever we find them and positively influence their lives with God’s love. We support Mercy Hour serving those in need, providing a safe haven as well as spiritual and practical guidance. Mission teams make trips to assist and encourage in many areas throughout the Southeast and internationally. This also includes regularly volunteering at the Interfaith Kitchen and hosting many community events like the Harvest festival each year.
Striving to be like Jesus as servants -- inside our church, our local communities, and beyond. We believe each person has a unique gift to be used in service, and we commit to an attitude that seeks to give rather than to receive and to serve rather than to be served. Some of the ways we serve to bring glory to God include answering requests from our congregation for help with difficult chores around the home, providing assistance to new mothers, and helping with meals and transportation for those recovering from illness or surgery. We also have a Disaster Team which is equipped and ready for emergencies.
We believe that God has called His people to gather in worship to give Him glory and praise, and it is our desire to provide a variety of worship experiences which will reach all people. We proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior of all humankind, and we will seek to reach those who are a part of the family of God as well as those who are disconnected from His family. We will convey the scriptural truth that eternal life begins at the moment a person accepts God’s grace in response to the saving love of Jesus. We have both traditional and contemporary worship services as well as a vibrant music ministry.
Our Story

Expanding the Vision:
Since 2011, we have doubled our property size by purchasing a two-story office building on Georgia Ave and a building on each side of Alabama Ave. God has richly blessed us in our past, and He continues to bless us today. If we follow His direction, there is no telling the things He will call us to accomplish. We would love for you to join us on our journey as we continue walking in the path God would have us lead.
How it Started:
In 1876, a woman named Hettie Austin arrived in the area that is now DeLand, FL. Hettie raised the funds for a new church to be built, and on August 1, 1880, the First United Methodist Church of DeLand was established, the first organized church in the area. Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Howry donated the land for the church, and in February of 1883 the building was finished. A new structure was built around the existing church and was finished in 1920. In 1959, ground was broken on the Education Building to accommodate a still-growing congregation. This building was complete with 3 floors, a full kitchen and many classrooms. The growth of the city as well as the church prompted another building for multi-purpose use with a gym. The Life Enrichment Center (LEC) was completed and ready for use on July 4, 1999.